Successful endorsees are more likely to strike a cord with
consumers through editorial and advertorial media
opportunities, as opposed to clients making use of costly ,
and oft times, immeasurable advertising campaigns.
Says Kobald, ‘Based on the upsurge in responses and requests
we currently receive, it seems that the race is on to find
the correct match and tie that particular ’celebrity’ or
opinion leader, as soon as possible.” Kobald expounds that
in the case of MLK F&B Consulting, “ We have made it clear
in answers to proposals, that as the company has an
extremely high credibility within the industry, the only
products we consider, must be of the same equally high
calibre for possible endorsement.”

Nestle' Professional ZAR: South African Navy Chef of the
Year competition
Nestle' Professional had the honour of sponsoring the annual
SA Navy Chef of the Year competition. The contest was held
from the 1 to 4 February at the SA Naval base in Simonstown,
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